Choices Centre Opens in Beverley

A new drop-in advice centre has opened in Beverley.

The Choices Centre on Norwood provides advice and support for parents and carers and young people about everything from childcare and teenage pregnancy to careers advice and education courses.

The centre can be used as a drop-in or appointments with advisors can be booked in advance.

Teams such as the Families Information Service (FISH) and Connexions will be based at the centre which has computers with internet access, meeting rooms and individual interview rooms.

Alison Michalska, Director of children, family and adult services, said: “The aim is to provide a facility for children, young people and families from birth to 19 where people can access a range of services and information all in one place.”

The facility will provide: a reception area with trained information officers who will be able to advise visitors, an activity room for groups of up to 12 people, more if younger children; three consulting rooms for one-to-one support, interviews and advice.   IT facilities include wireless access to the building with an area for public to use laptops plus limited access through mobile phones.

To the front of the building there is a coffee/social area with comfortable seating, toys and drinks facilities plus a disabled toilet with baby change facilities, for clients and informal discussions with staff.

The building will be open 9am to 5pm but can be used up to 8pm at night by prior arrangement, although reception facilities will not be available after 6pm.

Councillor Penny Peacock, portfolio holder for children, young people and schools, said: “I’m sure that parents and carers of children of all ages will find the centre really useful as it’s a chance to speak to someone face to face for advice and support.”



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