And Now For Some Hypnotic Inspiration

Sheila Granger is an inspiring woman to be around.  In two short years she has taken a hobby which ran alongside her employment with the Department of Work and Pensions to a hugely successful clinical hypnotherapy business that has seen her succeed on an international scale.

Her accomplishments have been no mean feat, and although Sheila herself will say that “anyone can do what I have done”, it certainly takes a lot of hard work and passion for helping people to achieve similar success.

So what is it that Sheila Granger can do for us all?  “Well’, she says “I simply help people to help themselves.  There is nothing magical or mystical about hypnotherapy it is simply a form of very deep relaxation which makes you feel content and open to new suggestions which overwrite the messages that our subconscious has been replaying throughout our lifetime, to allow us to repeat bad habits or suffer from certain ailments or medical conditions.”

The area where Sheila is particularly successful and has seen her become one the UK’s leading clinical hypnotherapists is the Virtual Gastric Band. The weight loss system which she practices is her own unique version based on the popular concept. Sheila Granger’s Virtual Gastric Band has been developed through trials and by working with literally hundreds of individuals to help them lose and maintain their weight.

Feedback from Sheila’s private clients tells her that the Virtual Gastric Band is like flicking a switch in the brain.  A person who has over eaten the foods which are known to cause weight gain, is able to take control.
For example, one patient had eaten a loaf of bread and butter every day with his meals.  He loved it and had done so since childhood but, with a sedentary job and a diet of fried food and bad carbs, he was dangerously over weight and had been diagnosed with obesity related diabetes.  After his first session with Sheila he couldn’t believe that he had no urge to eat bread anymore, and testifies that his whole attitude and relationship with food has changed for the better and the weight is coming off naturally.
Another client was eating a packet of biscuits every night and after her first session, again, this lady just wasn’t interested in the biscuits and she was able to control her eating habits and has lost the weight she wanted to.

Sheila Granger’s Virtual Gastric Band includes four weekly sessions.  The first is where the ‘Band’ is fitted in a ‘virtual’ operation which takes place in the relaxing environment of Sheila’s clinic and easy chair.  The other three sessions reinforce messages to the brain and deal with particular psychological triggers that allow us to over eat.  Sounds simple?
Well, it is and Sheila is working to raise awareness of her weight loss system as a viable alternative to gastric band surgery.  This involves talking to and working with medical practitioners in East Yorkshire who are seeing the benefits that their own patients are gaining, not just the weight loss but a positive mental attitude and improved self-esteem.

Sheila goes on to explain “hypnotherapy is not like waving of a magic wand.
It does require a person to actually want to help themselves.  For example with quitting smoking, if you only want to stop because you feel you should, hypnotherapy is unlikely to work.  But if you really want to quit, hypnotherapy gives you the support to break the habit.  It actually takes a smoker back to the time before they started, as if they never have so there is no sense of missing it or craving the nicotine.  Ex-smokers battle everyday against having another cigarette and even years after quitting can just have one which makes them pick up the habit again.  With hypnotherapy, it simply takes all that effort away.”

Sheila is often approached by a person who feels their habit or fear is irrational or embarrassing.  With a no-nonsense approach, she has a way of making her patients feel like the only person in the universe.  Their problems are her problems and she genuinely wants to help them to help themselves and stop negative thoughts which put barriers in the way of breaking a habit.

Sheila Granger lives and works in Beverley and is delighted that her business has blossomed here.  The town has much to offer and the down to earth feel of the place provides a calming influence to her fast moving life.  Recent developments have taken Sheila to work in New York to deliver training for her Virtual Gastric Band and Australia is her next stop in 2011.  The training side of her business runs alongside her Beverley based clinic as she really enjoys working person-to-person.  “My job is so interesting.  I get to work with people from all backgrounds and help them to rationalise their lives.  By no means does hypnotherapy perform miracles but it really does change attitudes.  Why should trying be difficult when hypnotherapy can override bad habits and make your life easier?”

For more information on Sheila Granger and video testimonials from her clients, please visit her web site or call 01482 863659.


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