Beverley Hypnotherapist Goes Global

Following a business trip to New York where she spoke at an obesity conference and delivered training for her weight-loss system which incorporates the Virtual Gastric Band, UK Clinical Hypnotherapist Sheila Granger from Beverley, has returned to interest from the other side of the world.

Having attracted attention in the UK with her claims to help fight the obesity epidemic via her revolutionary technique, Sheila was asked by a New York based hypnotherapist to talk about her success and has now also been invited to work in Australia.

Sheila Granger says:

“The main crux of my work is to promote the benefits of hypnotherapy and to be commended by my peers is hugely gratifying.  Looking for a new angle, I initially made tentative enquiries with hypnotherapists in America and since my visit there in October my business has taken a new direction into the training arena and I am delighted to be visiting Australia next year.  I will provide group training to hypnotherapists in Sydney and Brisbane – an amazing opportunity as I have never been to Australia.”

Sheila’s own hypnotherapy business has grown ten-fold over the last year since conducting two group trials which both produced a 95% success rate from the hypnotherapy treatment in which the participant believes they have undergone gastric band surgery.

She adds: “I believe that the ‘Virtual Gastric Band’ will have a huge impact on obesity around the world but I will continue to promote its benefits to my colleagues and allies within the NHS.”

For more information on Sheila Granger please call 01482 863659 or visit her web site.

Sheila Granger

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