Three Week Christmas Rape Awareness Campaign Launched

Police in the East Riding are running a rape awareness campaign across the region to reduce incidents of rape and sexual assault in the run up to Christmas.

Three weeks of action will be undertaken by officers on public order patrol and licence premises to support the campaign.

Three posters will be released to licensed premises over a three week period, in a bid to remind party-goers the dangers of drinking to excess and losing their inhibitions; which may put them into situations of regret or becoming vulnerable to being a victim of crime.

Local statistics show that alcohol is involved in 30% of rape and sexual assaults in the Humberside area; and the campaign will deliver a strong personal safety message, advising people against drinking to excess as that can make them vulnerable.

Detective Superintendent, Christine Kelk, Force Lead for Serious Sexual Assault said: “It is really important that as people go out in the run up to Christmas to enjoy the holiday period, that they do not lose sight of the standards that they would normally have. Alcohol significantly reduces inhibition, and can mean that women become vulnerable – perhaps separated from their friends or too intoxicated to make rational decisions. This campaign is aimed at making women safer, and ensuring that men realise that women have to be sober enough to consent. “

Detective Constable Teresa Colledge from Goole CID said: “Research has shown that people who have been drinking are more at risk of being the victim of attacks, robberies, muggings and sexual assaults. Christmas is a time for enjoyment, but sadly in the line of work I do, I often see the detrimental effect alcohol has on a person.

“As the party season approaches, we want people who are going out to have a good time but to keep themselves safe. Ultimately we want to prevent rape from occurring in the first place by arming potential victims with the right sort of advice.”

The first week of the campaign is focusing on the dangers of getting too drunk.

The poster; ’Rape, let your hair down, not your guard’ is a stark reminder to people to that increased amounts of alcohol during the holiday season, could play a big factor in your safety.

  • The advice officers are giving
  • Stay with your mates.
  • Pre book your cab – make sure it is your cab you get into.
  • Watch your friend’s drinks and your own.
  • Stay sober enough to look after yourself and each other- alternate with soft drinks.
  • Always stay confident and assert yourself.

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