ERYC Chairman’s Christmas Message 2010

The festive season brings out people’s kindness, their caring nature, generosity and  sense of community spirit.

Christmas is a time for family gatherings, a time for goodwill and also one to remember those who may be less fortunate than ourselves.

During my civic year, I have met many people from across the East Riding of Yorkshire and have been overwhelmed by the commitment and contribution they make towards making their local community a better and safer place.

I would also like us to spare a thought for the families whose loved ones will not be with them at this festive time, and for the servicemen and women who have shown remarkable courage and devotion to duty and who continue to face serious risks and dangers as they carry out their duties.

Over the last few weeks, the adverse weather conditions have affected many people and it has been a trying time for the emergency services and local councils to ensure that we are kept safe.  Credit must also go to the voluntary groups, organisations, businesses and individuals who worked tirelessly to ensure that their services continued to be delivered.

As family and friends come together and look forward to the New Year, we should find ways of strengthening our own communities for whatever may lie ahead and build on the foundations of success we’ve already achieved.

I hope that each and every one of you has a happy Christmas and that we can all try to bring that happiness to others and as another door closes another one opens.

I would like to wish you a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Councillor David Rudd – Chairman of East Riding of Yorkshire Council


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