Beverley Success at The Clothes Show Live!

James Ash, Managing Director of The New Vintage Clothing Ltd has just returned from a successful trip at The Birmingham NEC were The Clothes Show Live was hosted. With more than 150,000 visitors over the 6 day period it certainly wasn’t for the faint hearted. “I knew we were going to have to work hard for our money in order to cover all the overheads involved and with the ‘big freeze’ hitting our region the task wasn’t made any easier! It took three of us more than two hours to dig out the van and clear the road before we even started”.

The show was packed with major labels such as Superdry, OK, Motel Rocks, Pauls Boutique and Religion. Not to mention a host of top model scouting companies and agencies. “We were fortunate to be placed in a great location in the Boutique section of the show, really close to the OK catwalk which helped promote our brands really well”.

The response to James’ company was better than they could have expected with the likes of show hosts Caryn Franklyn and George Lamb getting in on the action. The bands (Vice and Inju5tice) who were performing in the main arena independently bought some of James’ garments and wore them for their performances. “They were really good guys and their managers maximised our exposure by blogging us and adding our pics to their band pages. We visited the London Clothes show earlier in the year were The Wanted were the host band and we all know how big they have become over the past few months. Hopefully the same will be the case for these bands as we are now talking with their management team about styling opportunities!”

It’s been a busy year since James started his business in April. “Talks are going really well with the likes of TopShop and The New Vintage Clothing Companies presence is increasingly growing across Europe. We have leads to follow in Australia and USA and I’d certainly like to venture towards the Japanese market next year with the Vintage clothing market reaching new heights over there”.

Clothes Show Live Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size

[nggallery id=1132] Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size

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