Humberside Police are warning of the dangers of children playing on ice following numerous calls about incidents on Beverly Beck on Monday 20 December 2010.
In the space of 30 minutes between 1900hrs and 1930hrs yesterday police received four calls from concerned residents about young people playing on the ice on Beverley Beck near Beckside North.
In one incident three boys were seen playing ice hockey.
The local Neighbourhood Policing Team have regularly been attending the area warning children about their behaviour and the dangers they are posing to themselves.
Following these incidents police are urging children to think about the potentially life threatening consequences of playing on ice, while at the same time urging parents and guardians to advise against this potential fatal activity.
PCSO Andy Pudsey said: “Winter can be a dangerous time for water safety, with frozen waterways and towpaths a particular hazard to people of all ages and their pets. We would urge people to heed the warnings and stay away from all frozen water and never allow children or their dogs near frozen waterways.
“People love to go walking at this time of year, but they should steer well clear of frozen ponds, canals, rivers and lakes. It is not safe even to put your toe on to the ice to test the thickness. Dogs need to be kept on a lead if they are near frozen water.”
“If you do spot someone or animal who has fallen through ice, you may be able to help by reaching out to them from the bank or throwing something which can be used to haul them back to land – but stay out of the water yourself and be sure there is no chance of toppling in. Alerting the emergency services as quickly as possible is the best thing that you can do.”
So nobody got hurt or drowned?
Or is it just another case of the plastic plod being over-officious killjoys?
if they get calls saying kids are playing on the ice i agree with the warning you fool.
To James the idiot – having seen kids running on the ice over the back, jumping on it and daring each other to slide on it, surely this sort of warning is needed. Once small crack in the ice could lead to a death. I assume that you, James, will be the first to jump into the iced water to risk your life to save a kid, should this happen… or are you the usual sort who sits behind a computer, complaining about everything else whilst sat on a very high horse. Get real! Many thanks to the police for ensuring these warnings get out and for HU17 for promoting them.