New Spring Term of Youth Dance Now Recruiting

East Riding Youth Dance is recruiting at a venue near you for the Spring term.

Co-ordinated by East Riding of Yorkshire Council, the project includes weekly sessions with professional artists working towards performances each term. East Riding Youth Dance also gives young people the opportunity to learn from the country’s leading professional dance companies in workshops and live performances.

Participants will have the opportunity to go and see balletLORENT in their latest full length production ‘Blood, Sweat & Tears,’ an exploration of the darkness and light of extreme love, at The Spa Bridlington, on Thursday 10 March 2011 (7.30pm) as part of the project.

The tender and powerful new work by choreographer Liv Lorent was premiered to much acclaim at Northern Stage, Newcastle in January 2010.  The piece looks at the huge impact the arrival of a baby has on a relationship.  It follows a young couple and the extraordinary transformations they undergo as they learn to cope with becoming a family and its unforeseen consequences.  It is the fight for romantic love to survive in the midst of the overwhelming love and time a baby demands.

The performance is also open to the public at a cost of £8 for adults and £6.50 for concessions so please encourage family and friends to come along.

The youth dance groups are based in six areas of the East Riding with sessions for 11 – 13 year olds and 14 – 18 year olds.  At the end of every term, the 12 groups plus the exclusive County Company come together to perform at the biggest Youth Dance Platform in the area.

Weekly sessions will be taking place at:

  • Minster Primary School, Beverley , Tuesdays
  • The Spa, Bridlington,Tuesdays
  • Town Hall, Hessle, Thursdays
  • Hornsea Leisure Centre, Fridays
  • The Courtyard, Goole, Fridays
  • Burnby Hall, Pocklington, Mondays

All groups start during the week beginning 24 January 2011.

The cost is £30 per term.

For more information, and to book a place, please call Michelle McCoy on 01482 392653 or 07795 337492.

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