Humberside Police: Beverley St Mary’s Update for December 2010

1. Priority

Issue: – Parking Obstructions – Waltham Court and Mill Lane

Patrols have continued throughout the month of December to monitor the area of Mill Lane and Waltham Court surrounding the chip shop following ongoing reports of illegal parking and obstruction to the roadway.

During these checks numerous motorists have been advised and sent on their way and several have been issued with fixed penalty notices for the offence of ‘No Waiting’.

The local chip shop have been provided with signage from the Neighbourhood Team to display within the shop for the information of customers, at this time these have yet to be displayed.  A further request has been made of the shop to display the signage provided and ongoing patrols in the area shall continue to monitor the problem and take the appropriate action when vehicles are found to be committing offences.

2. Priority

Issue: – Parking and Obstruction Offences – Near to Schools

One of our most common complaints is over the parking by parents or carers taking their children to school.  They park on double yellow lines and on the zig zags outside schools which are put there for the safety of the children.  This is a common complaint throughout the East Riding and is easily solved.  If you left 5 mins earlier, then you would be able to park a short distance from the school and walk in.

Most schools now have travel plans, and this can be easily incorporated into it.  Motorists who flout this, will have their registrations noted, and will receive a fixed penalty notice should they continue to contravene parking regulations.

4. Offenders brought to justice

A male adult was issued with a penalty notice for disorder for a shop theft offence from Tesco’s, Beverley.

A further male adult was issued with a Police Caution for possession of a class C controlled substance in Saturday Market, Beverley.

A male adult was issued with a Police Caution for possession of a class A controlled substance.

A male youth was charged to appear at Beverley Youth Court for an offence of shop theft.

A male adult was charged to appear before Beverley Magistrates Court regarding 2 domestic assaults.

A male adult was charged to appear before Beverley Magistrates Court regarding 2 public order offences.

A male adult was charged with taking a vehicle without consent, driving whilst over the prescribed limit, driving otherwise than in accordance with a license and driving without third party insurance, he is due to appear shortly before Beverley Magistrates Court.

2 male adults were charged to court with a total of 11 offences of passing counterfeit currency which occurred throughout Saturday Market, Beverley and the two were stopped by officers engaged with crime prevention within the Town.

5. Meetings

Type: Police & communities – Police Community Forum

Venue: St Mary’s Parish Hall

Date: Tuesday 19th April 2011

Time: 1930 hrs

Type:  Street Surgery

Venue:  Longcroft School Surgery

Date:  Monday 24th January

Time:  1200-1315 hrs

Type:  Street Surgery

Venue:  Longcroft School Surgery

Date:  Monday 31st January

Time:  1200-1315 hrs

Type:  Street Surgery

Venue:  Beverley Grammer School – Surgery

Date:  Wednesday 26th  January 2011

Time:  1200-1315 hrs

6. News and Appeals

Crime Prevention – Festive Crime Initiative

Through December a number of events were held in the Beverley area involving staff from the Neighbourhood Team.  These consisted of two Police Surgeries at Tesco’s and Morrisons, Beverley along with a run of crime prevention checks in car parks throughout the month with advice being given out and vehicles checked for any valuables left on display.

Further to this extra patrols were deployed within Beverley Town to assist with crime prevention and public reassurance in the build up to the Christmas period.  From these patrols two males were identified and arrested for passing counterfeit £20 notes at stores within the Town.  Both males were later charged with a total of 11 offences between them and are due to attend Magistrates Court in the near future.

Although the Festive Crime Initiative has now concluded further crime prevention activities are taking its place which are in the early stages of planning and will be rolled out locally in the early months of 2011.  Further updates regarding these shall appear here when available.

We will be doing some cycle coding at Longcroft and Beverley Grammar Schools during the next few weeks, where once completed the children will be given a “passport” for their bike, which if shown at any cycle shop in Beverley, except Halfords, will entitle them to a discount for lights, locks etc.

As we move into 2011 I would like to wish all residents of Beverley a happy, healthy and crime free new year.  To assist in this I would like to appeal to any members of the community who have information regarding any crime or anti social behaviour affecting them or others to feel confidant in contacting the Neighbourhood Team or Crimestoppers to report any issues and all reports will be treated with confidence.

Moving into January is often seen as a chance to get back to normality as the Christmas break has finished and people revert back to their daily routines.  Unfortunately this includes the criminal fraternity too.  I would like to encourage all residents to be vigilant and to report anything that they consider out of the ordinary to Humberside Police.

Again wishing you all the very best for the New Year.

Free advice on crime prevention is available on the safer communities’ website at  Or alternately call in at Beverley Police Station to speak with one of the team.

If there is anything you require information on or any enquiries feel free to contact myself Pc 2204 PEPPER at Beverley Police Station or via e mail at

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