Holistic healer, Kate Hare, was diagnosed with a chronic spinal problem and was told by doctors that she would be confined to a wheelchair by the age of 40. Kate decided to literally take matters into her own hands and began to learn Reiki as a means of healing herself.
It wasn’t long before Kate started to benefit from this healing technique, it gave her a new lease of life and she became inspired to help others. Kate is now 38 years old. She is very happy, healthy and is running her own successful business – Star 9 Therapy – which has expanded and is now in its 10th year of business.
Kate says: “When you study Reiki and gain full understanding of the benefits, the technique acts as a catalyst for your soul to realise its true purpose.” On her voyage of self-discovery Kate began to unlock special inner gifts and psychic abilities that she has perfected and offers as part of her service. Psychic readings have long been a talent of Kate and she is a well known figure on the local circuit after running several successful psychic events and training courses.
The business has since evolved on an international scale and thanks to countless testimonials and the Star 9 website Kate now deals with clients worldwide.
“The one question most clients ask is ‘Do I have a spirit guide’ and the answer to that is… Yes, everyone has at least one, yet most people have about five. People want to know about their spirit guide so I offer a service in which I am able to introduce people to them. Spirit guides have names and come in unique forms that often reflect the personality of the client.”
But what are the benefits of having a spirit guide introduction with Kate? “There are many benefits and my clients often find their guides offer peace and comfort, enabling them to relax and increase confidence.
I train people how to live with and benefit from a relationship with their guide which dually acts as a coping mechanism. In times of need everyone is able to turn to their spirit guide for comfort, help or assistance.”
Star 9 offer therapies that can assist with any health problem, phobia or ailment and Kate is always confident of a positive outcome. “Sometimes when a problem is recurring such as sleepless nights, difficult relationships, etc. you have to dig a bit deeper. If a tree is ailing you don’t prune the leaves, you have to get to the root of the problem and this is the reason I offer Past Life Healing.”
It’s a common fact that history often repeats itself through familial patterns but according to Kate, these patterns can persist through centuries, manifest into our being and continue to affect our lives. “Past Life healing is a means of breaking this pattern.
For example, one client had a fear of the dark and had to sleep with the light on. By unlocking her past life I was able to discover that in an earlier incarnation, the client had been locked in a cellar as a child and that fear had transpired in her current life.
Once I was able to establish the root of the problem, I was then able to heal it. The client contacted me the following day and said that, for the first time in her life, she had slept with the light off and truly believed she had overcome her fear of the dark.”
Years of satisfied clients and word-of-mouth success are responsible for the positive development of Kate’s business and it keeps getting bigger. She adds: “Ten years on and this is only the beginning. I have big things planned for the future. At the moment I am developing a radio-show which is due to be broadcast later in the spring and I am using personal experience to help others benefit from my intuitive business consultancy.” Kate also runs various courses throughout the year, “I offer Reiki training courses in the UK and I am looking to expand my training to an international level.” The many services offered by Star 9 Therapy can be viewed on the website along with details of 2011 course dates.
Last October Kate’s business took her to Santa Monica, Los Angeles where she developed many contacts and had much interest in Star 9. “Healing is universal. It’s a natural human ability and the more people embrace that, the better. It doesn’t matter what age, gender, or nationality you are, we all have the power to heal and we all have the ability to learn how.”
Star 9 Therapy
45 Grovehill Road
Telephone: 01482 882900
By Leigh Clark
Divine Clark PR