Police Warn Residents in Beverley to be Vigilant

Police are warning residents to be vigilant following a distraction burglary on Burney Close, Beverley.

The incident occurred on Friday 11 February 2011 at approximately 1830hrs when a man allegedly approached the home of an 89-year-old woman stating that he had found a keyring outside of the property.

The keyring had gone missing from the house earlier that day, and being pleased to have it back, the woman gave the man a £10 reward.

The man then asked the woman for a glass of water which she gave him.  A few minutes later the man then returned to the property, knocked on the door and asked to use the toilet. The elderly occupant became suspicious but let the man into the house.  The telephone then rang and as the resident turned to answer it, the man took her handbag from on top of a table and fled the property.

The man is described as being a young looking white male.

Detectives investigating the incident are now trying to trace witnesses, along with several items including:

– A light brown coloured soft leather handbag
– A small key fob in the shape of an ‘e’
– Several bank cards
– A pink coloured leather purse
– A brown coloured leather wallet

Detectives would also like to trace the whereabouts of the glass that the victim gave to the man to drink from.

Anyone who noticed anything suspicious in the area, or who may have any information about this incident is asked to call Humberside Police on 0845 60 60 222 quoting log 614 of 11 February 2011.

To combat this type of crime Humberside Police has issued the following advice:


When someone calls at your door and offers to do repairs to your home, asks for urgent help, or claims to be a company rep, follow these simple steps to help protect yourself and your home from bogus callers.

LOCK: Keep your front and back doors locked, even when at home.

STOP: Before you answer, stop to think if you are expecting anyone. Check that your back door is locked and any keys are taken out. Look through the spy hole or the window to see who it is.

CHAIN: If answering the door, keep the bar or chain on while you are talking to the person on the doorstep. (when the door is shut and locked, leave the bar or chain off in case of an emergency.) Some bogus callers target older and vulnerable people saying they need help urgently. They may ask you to help them outside the house or ask to use a phone or request a drink. Only offer to help if you have someone with you. Don’t worry if you choose not to help it is not rude or unfriendly.

CHECK: If someone who looks official calls at your door, always ask for and carefully check their identity card, even if they have an appointment. Do they look like the person on the card? Do their details match any prior correspondence? Close the door while you do this. If you are not expecting them and don’t show you an identity card, do not let them in until you have double-checked their validity.


Genuine callers will always be happy to make an appointment to call and will carry an identity card. They won’t mind waiting if you want to confirm their identity or want to rearrange the appointment

Beverley Police Station – New Walk, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 7AF – 0845 606 0222

Beverley Poice Station

Beverley Police Station – New Walk, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 7AF – 0845 606 0222

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Beverley Police Station, New Walk, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 7AF – 0845 606 0222

Beverley Police Station, New Walk, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 7AF – 0845 606 0222

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