Beverley Photography Group to Capture the East Riding

The Millers Photography Group, in Beverley, with the support of Futures +, are pleased to launch their community group contest, as part of The Capturing the East Riding Photography Competition.

The group would like to invite people with learning disabilities to enter their work and the overall winning photographs will be submitted to the main Capturing the East Riding event.

An exhibition of entries will be displayed within Millers and other centres across the East Riding.

Paula Brown, from Millers, is looking forward to seeing the various entries. She said: “The Capturing the East Riding Photography Competition is a fantastic occasion for people to get involved in a positive way in their area”.

“The links and networks of The Millers Group have created opportunities in which the themes of inclusion, community and sense of belonging can be achieved for people with learning disabilities.”

Karen Helbrow, from Futures +, also enjoyed the launch and highlighted how important the competition was for the service’s users.

She said: “By being involved in a high profile event, such as the Capturing the East Riding Photography Competition, service users at The Millers will gain a sense of achievement and equality within their community.”

Councillor Richard Harrap, cabinet portfolio holder for adult and carer services at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, is delighted with The Millers involvement.

He said: “The Capturing the East Riding Photography Competition is an excellent opportunity for photographers to be creative and more and more individuals and groups are setting up competitions to take part.

“The works on display by The Millers Group will provide a reflection of the diversity and uniqueness of the East Riding.”

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