Bad Weather to Blame for Decline in Recycling

The amount of wood taken to the sites this winter, compared with the same two months of last winter, was down by 43 tonnes, or five per cent, and glass was down by 17 tonnes.

Plastic and tins were both down by four tonnes this winter compared with last winter and cardboard was down by eight tonnes.

John Skidmore, head of streetscene services, said: “This is further evidence that residents are reducing the waste they create. This is excellent because waste that isn’t created in the first place does not carry any costs to the council.

“Snow and ice during December and early January deterred many residents from going to the sites, but we found the tonnages crept up during the latter part of last month.”

For further information about reducing waste, recycling and composting, visit the council’s recycling site,

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This article has 1 Comment

  1. How do you work this out exactly, John? cumon….this is a reduction in your performance pure and simple

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