Comeback Kings Beverley Braves Beat Hull

What turned out to be a thrilling match had a very shaky start for Beverley Braves.

Dockers piled on the pressure a soon as the whistle blew and a stunned Beverley could not contain the home side. Within just a few minutes Beverley found themselves 6 points down as they were caught off guard and could not contain any of the fantastic runs from the strong Dockers lads. Dylan Clifford advanced up the field to ease the relentless pressure and worked hard with Callum Officer in the middle of the pitch to give a much needed confidence boost to the travelling side.

It was obvious that this had lifted the boys and Beverley started to come into their own passing the ball from one side of the pitch to the other with increasing accuracy. Dockers interrupted this though as their no 12 got the ball and from his own line accelerated beyond the grasps of the chasers to put the ball under the sticks and edge Dockers further into the lead.

Beverley was struggling to wrap players up and their heads were down but Bailey Foulston led the attack with such passion from his new position as centre that it boosted the Braves into believing in themselves. A spell of pressure from Beverley followed but still they could not put the ball over the white wash.

As Dockers regained possession even they struggled to hold the ball but it was obvious from the side line that it was starting to become more of the even match which we would have accepted. Finally a break came from a superb pass from Kurt Pelham to Owen Harrison who changed direction magnificently turning inside the players and running to the line for an excellent try and equally massive boost to Beverley Braves. He converted his own try to give Beverley only a six point gap to aim towards 12 – 6 at half time.

The second half started with Braves having the possession but not moving forwards and gaining yards. They then upped their game with strong runs from Callam Bielby down the middle as his game improves week on week. Jay Black had his usual consistent game and solid passing from Harvey Lazenby and Jamie Branton down the line looked excellent from the side. James McGahey was outstanding as he kicked and tackled and filled the position of play maker admirably.

Then it fell to Clifford who sieved the opportunity to twist and turn in his storming run passing players and shrugging off the Dockers tackles to break free and pass that all important line under the posts to put the game back in Beverley’s hands to the delight of the crowd. The Brave lads came into their own now with Harry Gray wrapping up tackles to stop the advancing Dockers in their tracks. Credit must go to the home side though as they held their line and would not let Beverley through.

The pressure was intense but Joe Wardill broke free to do his usual fast run but was tackled just short of the line. The resulting play of the ball though saw the ball thrown along the line to the left to finally reach Harrison who forced his way over brilliantly in the corner much to the delight of players and crowd alike to make it the comeback of the season.

Sheer endeavour and enthusiasm pulled Beverley to victory today and they should be so proud. Top tackler for an outstanding performance to Callum Officer and Man of the match for definitely his best game of the season to Bailey Foulston.

Final Score: Hull Dockers 12 Beverley Braves 16

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