Performers Invited to Showcase Their Talents in Beverley

Wannabe performers are being invited to showcase their talents on the streets of Beverley.

Town councillors David Elvidge and Bryan Pearson are the driving force behind the plan to encourage more acoustic musicians to entertain visitors to the town.

Councillor Elvidge told “Performers must be available on Saturdays and not require a stage, electricity  or payment.

“The scheme is part of the Town Council’s efforts to boost shopping in the town, adding another dimension to the shopping experience to supporting the local economy.”

Anyone interested in performing should contact David or Bryan at Beverley Town Council, 12 Well Lane, Beverley, HU17 9BL.

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This article has 2 Comments

  1. That would be very nice, at one time the Folk Festival had a great many street performers but is now mainly in enclosed venues where a charge can be made. I think that the problem is not: “not require a stage, electricity” but the “OR PAYMENT” because the buskers find that the people of, say, Glasgow are more generous than those of Beverley.

  2. Pat there are plenty of people who just love performing music, its a chance to practice and learn to cope with playing in public. I hope people will come forward and support this inititive, why should everyone want cash for doing something for their Town?

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