Meadow Studios: Friends of Longcroft Casino Night

The Friends of Longcroft School Casino Night proved to be an ‘ace’ event.

Those who attended were provided with photography services for the night by Paul and Stuart, from Meadow Studios of Leven, near Beverley, on Saturday 26 March.

The pair quickly erected a mobile studio in an area of the dining room, complete with studio lights, backdrop and printing facilities.

The studio was well attended on the night with individual, couples and group photos being requested.

There were many Mothers Day presents purchased on the evening and Paul and Stuart had their work cut out when a group of 12 people requested their photographs.

Meadow Studios donated a free portrait session to the auction and were also pleased to be able to donate a percentage of the evening’s photography takings, which raised the final total for the evening to £1,334.

Meadow Studios Photography attend formal events with no charge to the event organisers and will donate a percentage of the evenings taking’s to the charity in question. More information available at Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size

[nggallery id=1339] Picture Gallery: Click on the thumbnail picture below to enlarge the image to full size

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