Dedicated Runner Competes While on Vacation

Beverley Athletic Club’s David Muschamp showed true dedication to his sport by continuing his training programme for the London Marathon whilst on holiday in Florida.

He joined a field of over 2000 to run the Zimmerman Kiser Sutcliffe 10k in Orlando on 26 March.  However, with temperatures around 25 Celsius and 73% humidity the event was no Mickey Mouse affair.

The race started at 7.30 in the morning to avoid even higher temperatures later on in the day.  Despite the heat Muschamp recorded his fastest time for a 10k for several years. With a steady pace of just under 7.5 minutes per mile he completed the course in 47.22 and in 238th place out of a total of 2064 runners.  He also finished third in the V65 age category.

The popular event is a long-established road race that winds past the old estates on the brick streets of Winter Park in Orlando.  The race was won by Jay Lumpkins in 31.36 and the first lady to finish was Michelle Krueger in 37.08.

NB  This year David is running the London Marathon for the MS Society and any donations via Facebook or the Virgin Money Giving website would be very welcome.

Photo:  David on a training run in East Yorkshire | Reported by Kay Farrow

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