MP Joins All-Party Parliamentary Group for Family Business

, MP for Beverley and Holderness, has joined the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Family .

Says Graham: “We know the importance of small, family-owned businesses to the wellbeing of the British economy, and we have seen the devastating impact the recession had on them.

He added: “Family-owned businesses account for 65% of all private sector enterprises, and employ over 9.5 million people. I’m delighted to be able to to give them proper representation in Parliament, and secure them the right conditions in which to flourish.

And he added: “The Government has already made a number of welcome announcements to assist small businesses, including the publication of the Employer’s Charter, which sets out the standards an employer can expect of his or her employees, and a significant reduction in corporation tax. I hope I will be able to promote further the interests of small, family-run businesses in my constituency through my membership of the APPG.”

The next meeting of the APPG will be in the summer.

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