I decided to stand for election in 2003 because I wanted to work for and support the people in the ward where I live.
That desire has not changed and so I am standing again for election this year. In addition to my work as your councillor over the past eight years at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, I am currently Chair of the Beverley Renaissance Partnership which has delivered projects such as the Elwell Trail and the Bar 600 Celebrations and am the founder and Chair of the Beverley Festival of Christmas which this year celebrates its seventeenth year.
I also chaired the Beverley Health Action Group which campaigned to save hospital services for Beverley and am naturally delighted that we are going to have a new hospital for the town, although would have preferred it to have been built on a different site. I have consistently supported sustainable energy projects on the planning committees of which I am a member, voted against the” massive golden handshake payment” and have responded to issues which have been brought to my attention by local residents, such as parking, housing, benefits and health related problems, which are a major part of my work as your councillor.
There are a number of initiatives which I would press for if I am elected, including refurbishment of Saturday Market, the development of a business park at Grovehill and a coach park which is fit for purpose. All of these I believe would be of great benefit to the town. I would like the opportunity to continue to work to the best of my ability for you and our town and therefore ask for your support at the forthcoming election on May 5th 2011. John Bird
Can I ask why it says 2001 on the picture?