East Riding of Yorkshire Council Elections – The Conservative Party

Welcome fellow Beverlonians to your six local Candidates who are asking for your support in the forthcoming local elections on May 5th. East Riding of Yorkshire Council is currently a Conservative-led Council and we are proud of our achievements over the past four years and hope to have the opportunity to represent your interests for the next four years also.

The bedrock of this success has been sound financial management which has enabled the Council to protect local services while still being able to invest in areas which require new technology. While other Councils have unwisely spent vast sums of public money on lavish projects, many of which have been now abandoned due to lack of funding, YOUR Council has adopted a more prudent approach.

Pertinent to Beverley, the Council has been instrumental in securing funding and planning permission for the new East Riding Community Hospital, with huge support from our industrious MP, Graham Stuart. Without this, Beverley residents would have to travel into Hull or even further in order to receive healthcare which should be provided locally. Thousands of you signed the petition and so you should take credit also.

The Council has also maintained a weekly refuse collection while others move to a fortnightly basis, responded swiftly and decisively to the worst floods crisis to hit our town in living memory, and worked with the police to make Beverley one of the safest towns in England. In addition to keeping our library and leisure centre open while many across the land close, the Council has also protected both the young and the elderly by keeping services running and managed effectively, invested in local transport, and continued with a programme of affordable housing. And all this while freezing your council tax!

But the Candidates below appreciate that there is much more work to be done on your behalf and are keen to continue to build on the good work of the last four years. As well as maintaining the high standard of provision of local services, two of the biggest issues that affect our town are the proposed Southern bypass and the Flemingate development. Again, with the backing of Graham Stuart, the Council will push the Department of Transport to move plans forward for the bypass, thus relieving Beverley of the worst of the traffic that blights our picturesque and peaceful town. The latest news on Flemingate is that a new hotel has been secured for the site, thus increasing our attraction to tourists and improving our economy, as well as a much-needed cinema.

Your Conservative Candidates care deeply about the future of Beverley and its people and ask you to support them in the elections by turning out on May 5th and casting your vote for them. All six of them will be holding a street surgery on Saturday,  April 30th from 10am – 12pm on Cross Street, opposite Wilkos. Please drop by and tell us what it is important to you – it’s your vote, your voice, your town.

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