Mayor Making Ceremony On Monday At Guildhall

Beverley’s new Mayor will be unveiled at the Beverley Town Council Mayor Making ceremony on Monday (16 May).

Members of the public and councillors are invited to The Beverley Guildhall from 7pm, where they will hear from outgoing Mayor Bessie Foot, and where the new Mayor will be elected.

It is one of the highlights of the civic year in Beverley. The outgoing Mayor will present Good Neighbour Awards and the Young Persons Award, before presenting her Charity Monies to her nominated charities.

Councillor Foot will also deliver a brief speech about her year in office, before the new Mayor is elected and presented with the chains of office.

The agenda for the meeting, which affects Beverley Town parish only, is as follows.

1. APOLOGIES – To receive and accept apologies for absence
2. WELCOME – The outgoing Mayor to welcome Councillors, Guests, Members of the Public and Press
3. GOOD NEIGHBOUR AWARDS  – The outgoing Mayor to present the Good Neighbour Awards
4. YOUNG PERSONS AWARD – The outgoing Mayor to present the Young Persons Award
5. MAYOR’S CHARITIES  – The outgoing Mayor to present her Charity Monies to her nominated charities: Marie Curie Cancer Care and the Beverley Church Lads and Girls Brigade
6. SHORT ADDRESS BY THE OUTGOING MAYOR – To receive a short address from the outgoing Mayor, prior to his handover to the new Mayor
7. ELECTION OF MAYOR – To elect a Mayor for the current Municipal Year. The newly elected Mayor will be robed, adorn the Chains of Office and sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office
8. SHORT ADDRESS BY THE INCOMING MAYOR – To receive a short address and vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor from the incoming Mayor
9. ELECTION OF DEPUTY MAYOR – To elect a Deputy Mayor for the current Municipal Year. The newly elected Deputy Mayor will be robed and adorn the Chains of Office
10. PRESENTATION OF MAYORAL BADGES – Presentation to past Mayors and Consorts of the Mayoral Badges

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