Powerful Gaden Leads Braves to Victory

Ellis Gaden turned in a display of powerful running as he claimed the star of the match trophy against another strong team in Skirlaugh A at Saltend.

It was a much improved performance all round from the Braves as they stood up to a big Skirlaugh side who just kept on coming.

Alex and Tom Nuttall each scored good tries and Charlie Barker got what is now a customary touchdown in a 6 – 3 defeat which wasn’t a true reflection on a game which was a pleasure to watch with plenty of skill on show and played in the right spirit throughout.

Alexie Rawlings was a constant threat with the ball in hand as was Shamus Blades ,Charlie Gay and Isaac Merryweather. But it was top tackler Lewis Bradley who pushed Ellis the closest for the star performer in what was his best effort of the season.

Bryan (with a Y) Usher, Tommy Braithwaite and Adam Greenwood also deserve a mention alongside the dogged Jacob Parkinson in what was a good team effort.

Beverley Braves under 9’s gained a hard fought win against a tenacious Victoria Titans side on Wednesday evening. By half-time the Braves were
5-1 up on the back of some solid defence, Tom Newton topping the tackle count with Tom Marr also contributing significantly. A beautifully executed run around move between Ryan Deane and Lewis Egan helped provide the position for William Wallis to score the first of his first half hat trick. This was quickly followed by George Lees racing in to the corner and a large score looked on the cards. Victoria hit back with a try from Marcus Walker, a guest player from the Braves in the Victoria ranks alongside Matthew Hutchinson and Ethan Rowbotham. Wallis crashed over from close range to make it 3-1, Lees got his second showing a great turn of speed and Wallis completed his hat-trick with a length of the field score.

Dylan English caused the Victoria defence numerous problems with his jinking runs and sound tackling and deserved his man of the match award.

The second half was a different story with Victoria starting strongly and scoring three tries to turn the score around to 5-4 despite the best efforts of Oliver Gresswell, Joseph Denis and Will Sandford in defence. The third of the Titans tries came from Braves guest Rowbotham. The match was secured after good distribution from acting half back from Bradley Loftus saw Oliver Loney burst through the middle to score the final try of the game. Final score 6-4 to the Braves.

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