Don’t Miss The Bus!

Off Shoots Musical Theatre Company present the memorable musical, Summer Holiday, which originally starred Sir Cliff Richard and Una Stubbs in the iconic 1963 movie and Darren Day on stage in the 1990s, includes a romantic wedding in Italy as part of the famous road trip from London to Greece in a double-decker bus.

Hit Songs include: Bachelor Boy, Dancing Shoes, The Young Ones, Living Doll. Not forgetting the title song Summer Holiday.

Off Shoots Musical Theatre Company is Beverley’s youth musical theatre group for people aged 7-19 and present yet again a professional, major production at Beverley Memorial Hall from 21st  to 23rd July, 7.30pm each evening.  Tickets are £8 and £6 concessions.

“We still have room to take on some extra cast – particularly boys – as there are a number of parts that still need to be cast”, said Jane Walker, Leader of the group.

“If anyone is interested in joining us visit our brand new website –  You can also contact me on 01482 868337 and email”.

“This musical comedy will have you wanting to dance in the aisles … Fabulous dance routines … memorable songs”

“This musical is full of fun, romance, bright costumes and well known songs… The talent in this group is outstanding: the show will be of a professional standard… Do not miss this show”

PICTURE: Off Shoots last production in Beverley, The Railway Children

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