Beverley Rural Update for May 2011

1. Priority

Issue: – Farm Watch – Remote Crime – Poaching

Farm Watch continues to be an integral part of our fight against Rural Crime. Please report any suspicious vehicles or activity to Farm Watch and the Police. Should you require any further information about Farm Watch; Please contact your Community Policing Team; Tel 01964 530320

A small pocket size Aide memoir card has been produced, “KEEP YOUR FARM SAFE”. This contains useful tips and hints for farmers and residents of the rural community on keeping their local area safe and crime free.
These will be distributed over the next few months by the Community Policing Team.

A couple of Farms in the Rural area have been victim to oil/diesel thefts. Please report any suspicious activity to the Police and Farm Watch.

2. Priority

Issue: – Anti social behaviour / Traffic calming – LEVEN

Reports to the Police of Anti Social Behaviour in Leven have reduced dramatically. The Community Policing Team are committed to reducing such incidents, and will take positive action in relation to reported incidents.

Officers from the Community Policing Team have been engaged in both High Visibility Patrols and Plain Clothes Patrols.

Residents are reminded to keep properties and vehicles secure, and report any suspicious activity to the Police.

Should you require any crime prevention advice or a home security survey; Tel 01964 530320, and speak to a member of the Community Policing Team.

Community Road Watch continues to operate within Leven village, new members/volunteers are always welcome.
Children from the local primary school have been making their own speeding tickets and will be engaged with local Officers to reduce any incidents of motor vehicles exceeding the speed limit.

3. Priority

Issue: – Vehicle Crime – Bishop Burton and surrounding area

A male youth was interviewed in relation to the thefts of Land rover Defenders from the Beverley Rural area.

The Community Policing team are looking at launching a property marking scheme, specifically for Land rover, Defenders.
These vehicles are predominantly stolen to then be broken up and the parts sold on. The scheme would see all parts of the vehicle marked with a forensic DNA paste, thus making the parts traceable.

Should you require any information about the scheme, please contact Beverley Rural Community Policing Team; Tel:- 01964 530320.

4. Offenders brought to justice

A male was charged with assaulting another male in Tickton.

A male youth has been arrested on suspicion of theft of a Dirt bike stolen from Leven.

A male was arrested on suspicion of theft of motor vehicle’s from the Beverley Rural Area.

5. News and Appeals

General Report

Over the last month a number of crimes have been thefts from insecure outbuildings whereby offenders have approached and stolen power tools and similar items from within. In an attempt to decrease crimes of this nature taking place we advise people to lock away all items securely in a bid to deter offenders from committing crimes to begin with.

Allotments have been targeted throughout the division, with many thefts.  These offences invariably occur during the night, and we would ask that people living near allotments ring the police should they see suspicious people or vehicles in the areas.

Please also consider what you leave in your shed on the allotment or at home.  High value items such as power drills or chain saws should be made more secure.  We would encourage small allotment watch schemes similar to neighbourhood watch to be formed and should you be interested, then please contact the neighbourhood team

Residents are reminded to secure all windows and doors, especially if they have been opened during daylight hours in the hot weather. Opportune criminals will take advantage of windows left open and doors left unlocked.

Please contact your Community Policing Team, Tel: 01964 530320 if you require advice on Farm Watch, CESAR, Neighbourhood Watch, “Keep your Farm Safe” leaflets, or general crime prevention advice. We are happy to visit at a time convenient to you.

If you are interested in the property marking scheme for Land rover Defender vehicles, contact PC 1805 Turrell on the above telephone number, alternatively email your details and someone will get back to you; julie.turrell@humberside.pnn.police uk

Middleton/North Newbald and Walkington Update

Middleton on the Wolds has had a couple of thefts from farms on the outskirts of the village.

Walkington suffered a burglary; a person approached a rear door, gained entry via an unlocked door and stole a purse. Residents are reminded that opportune criminals will take advantage of insecure properties. Keep doors locked, even when at home.

Cherry Burton/Bishop Burton & Leconfield Update

Bishop Burton has two boxes of trees stolen from the rear of a detached property.  A Subura Impreza was stolen from Leconfield and then involved in a road traffic accident.

Leven, Tickton and Routh Update

A vehicle was stolen from the driveway of a house in Routh. This vehicle was left insecure.

A male was arrested for an assault in Tickton.  Tickton was also victim to a burglary where a mountain bike was stolen.

Leven has been subject to a few thefts, two garden benches were stolen, as well as 17 fish Koi Carp from a pond.  In addition, a dirt bike was stolen from a shed.

Other Villages Update

A brown Peugeot 407 was stolen from Routh which was left insecure on a driveway.

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