Beverley St Mary’s Update for May 2011

Issue: – Shop Lifting – Beverley Town Centre

I am glad to say that the challenges set of the team in relation to shop theft problems within Beverley has been taken on with gusto and enquiries are currently ongoing into a number of offences.   For residents of Beverley they may well have seen pictures being publicised in the local newspapers and on the internet site of persons that Beverley Police need to identify in relation to offences and the result of this method of identification has been astounding with far too many people coming forward to identify those responsible to thank them all individually.  Suffice to say that all of the information which has come to the attention of the Neighbourhood Team is greatly appreciated and has put us in a position to deal with a number of offences.

In relation to the three offences from which stills images were released through the press office two of the offences have now been dealt with and the store which was victim of both incidents has been reimbursed by the offending persons.  The suspect in the further incident has also been identified and once located they will be dealt with along the same lines.  One of the offences was a mistake and the crime report has been deleted.

Further press releases are being considered in order to identify persons not known to the team who are found to be committing offences and again the help of yourselves the public is paramount.

All of the persons who are currently coming to the attention of Beverley Police for shop theft offences are being monitored by Pc PEPPER and where the sanctions imposed through The Police and The Courts do not have the effect in preventing further incidents then conditions will be applied for through joint work with shops and the Anti Social Behaviour Team within The East Riding Of Yorkshire Council.

The efforts of the Team in relation to shop thefts are mirrored in the work that we put into all aspects of crime and anti social behaviour and should you be the victim or be aware of other crime taking place in the St Mary’s area or further a field then please feel free to visit Beverley Police Station or e mail myself at to discuss.

Issue: – Parking and Obstruction Offences – Near to Schools

The issues relating to parking outside of Schools is one which all members of staff working within the Neighbourhood Team are acutely aware is not one which can be solved overnight as unfortunately the approach of ‘whilst the cats away’ seems to be taken by a number of motorists who on observing that staff are not present at a school on a particular morning will then park with scant regard for the laws of the road, the needs of local residents for access or the safety of the children.

Discussions are still ongoing within the team regarding potential projects that can be run which can highlight the issues of parking outside of the schools and address the problems which they cause.

I feel that I am treading on well worn ground in reminding parents and motorists of Beverley regarding their responsibilities to obey the laws of the road and to show some level of consideration to others using the roads, pavements and requiring access however this message will be repeated and checks will continue with penalty notices issued where appropriate until the problems subside.

Issue: – Molescroft Pavilion – Anti Social Behaviour

Through the month of May the weather has provided plenty of scope for the youth of Beverley to enjoy all of the recreational space that is provided to them within the St Mary’s ward.  I am glad to say that on a daily basis the sight of groups of youths playing football, using park facilities and enjoying their childhoods has been present and the problems of previous years have not emerged to the level that we have previously seen.

However the park at the bottom of Thurston Road, Beverley did attract a group of youths over a series of nights who appeared intent of doing as they pleased despite the annoyance it would cause to local residents with their drinking, shouting and anti social behaviour.  Following the first call to Police to report this group they were identified, alcohol was confiscated and alcohol letters issued and from this point the group were monitored on a regular basis which appeared to calm some of the problems.

Molescroft Pavilion has not seen the emergence of large numbers of youths engaged in anti social behaviour although due to the facilities that it provides it does rightly so encourage youths to spend time at the location.  The concerns of damage and anti social behaviour have not been borne out and thankfully complaints of problems in the area have been of a minimum.

Following information provided from members of the public a female adult was issued with a caution for a theft offence from Tesco’s, Morton Lane, Beverley.

A male youth who is subject of an ASBO order and currently on Magistrates Court bail was arrested for breaching the conditions of his court bail.

Two male youths were issued with ASBO orders relating to their behaviour over a period of time within the Beverley area and their conditions include exclusion areas, prohibitions on association with named individuals and specifically not to act in a way which is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress.

A male adult was issued with a summons to Court regarding 2 counts of using a motor vehicle without insurance and 1 of permitting the use of a vehicle without insurance.

News and Appeals

Over the last month a number of crimes have been thefts from insecure outbuildings whereby offenders have approached and stolen power tools and similar items from within. In an attempt to decrease crimes of this nature taking place we advise people to lock away all items securely in a bid to deter offenders from committing crimes to begin with.

Allotments have been targeted throughout the division, with many thefts.  These offences invariably occur during the night, and we would ask that people living near allotments ring the police should they see suspicious people or vehicles in the areas.

Please also consider what you leave in your shed on the allotment or at home.  High value items such as power drills or chain saws should be made more secure.  We would encourage small allotment watch schemes similar to neighbourhood watch to be formed and should you be interested, then please contact the neighbourhood team.

Free advice on crime prevention is available on the safer communities’ website at  Or alternately call in at Beverley Police Station to speak with one of the team.

If there is anything you require information on or any enquiries feel free to contact myself Pc 2204 PEPPER at Beverley Police Station or via e mail at

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