Angels in Action: The Beverley Festival

This weekend 40 young people aged 16 to 30 took part in the first event of their summer youth led volunteering project ‘Angels in Actio’n. They helped out at the Beverley Festival 2011 and fulfilled a number of tasks including helping The Green Team whose role it was to promote the new and excellent recycling facilities.

They brought Eryc and Eryca bears to life and entertained the children on site with magic tricks and sneaky stunts They also blitzed the town and sign posted people to the festival. They are attending other major festivals this year including the Driffield Show, Hornsea Carnival, Withernsea Carnival and Goole Beach Day. This has all been made possible thanks to the support of the British Council and the Youth in Action Programme.

Angels in Action is a unique European funded project organised and implemented by young people who are passionate about getting involved in exciting opportunities in the community to benefit all concerned.  The idea originated from a citizenship project they were involved in back in 2010 when they worked with a team of young volunteers in Bologna, Italy.

The participants will also be fulfilling a number of thematic tasks in July and August in what is the European Commission’s European Year of Volunteering 2011.  In addition to this, they are also promoting the European Voluntary Service (EVS) to all 18 to 30 year olds through which they can volunteer abroad for up to 12 months for free as we now have a Sending Organisation based in the East Riding. The entire project is being covered by a media crew comprising a number of young people who are interested in film and photography as a career.

Heading up the Media Crew, Kate Carter-Rigg, said, ‘this event has been brilliant to kick-start what will be a really memorable summer of volunteering. Our aim is to capture all this and create a permanent and valuable record of what can be achieved by a group of young people who go the extra mile. We hope to inspire more projects in the future which will result in more opportunities that are great fun to get involved in and beneficial for everyone in the community’.

Tracy Underwood, Enrichment Officer at East Riding College, said, ‘I think it is marvellous that our young people have made a choice to come and volunteer for these local events and to make a difference.  I feel proud to know them and to live in the East Riding.  Well done to everyone involved.’

For more information about this or EVS or Youth in Action email:

This summer’s going to happen – SO LET’S MAKE IT COUNT!

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and British Council.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission and British Council cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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This article has 2 Comments

  1. Magnificent! WHAT a great team – not only did you all look fantastic, but you did a fantastic job! AND added yet more colour and fun to a wonderful Folk Festival. The comments I heard were all in praise of you, and your leaders, and you certainly deserved them.


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