Beverley St Mary’s Update for June 2011

1. Priority

Issue: – Shop Lifting – Beverley Town Centre

The problem of shop thefts is still being targeted by the Neighbourhood Team and certain individuals are still persisting in causing a number of issues for the stores, staff, customers and Police.

Work is underway to target those persistent offenders who cause the majority of thefts within the Town and following good work undertaken through the Neighbourhood Team offenders have been identified for thefts, arrested, interviewed and given penalties ranging from £80 fixed penalty notices to being charged to appear before the Town’s Magistrates Court.

The work that has been undertaken thus far will continue and new means of targeting offenders will be considered.  The priority for the Neighbourhood Team and officers within the incident response team is to identify, process and bring to justice those persons who are responsible for thefts in the Town.

When offenders are identified as attending Beverley from out of Town to commit offences then the Team are prepared to apply for sanctions through the Magistrates and by working in conjunction with the Anti Social Behaviour Team of East Riding Council to put measures in place to prevent these people from visiting Beverley and committing crime.

One positive that has been discovered through a scrutiny of all reports received and through the assistance of the public has been that not all reports received regarding thefts have been the work of criminals and on two occasions they have been found to be accidental whereby those responsible have re attended the stores in question and have made good on their debt.

2. Priority

Issue: – Underage Drinking and littering – Beverley Westwood

This is a seasonal priority with warmer weather, youths tend to go onto the Westwood, to drink alcohol, sometimes starting little camp fires and unfortunately leave their litter lying around, which is dangerous to animals and is upsetting for some walkers on the Westwood itself.

We will have regular patrols in this area, on foot and on cycles to deal with this throughout the summer period.

3. Priority

Issue: – Molescroft Pavilion – Anti Social Behaviour

During July Beverley Police received no calls from members of the public regarding anti social behaviour in the area of Molescroft Pavilion.  Although the weather has been very warm and the numbers of persons out and using the parks facilities have been high, the low number of recorded incidents shows some positivity regarding the previous incidents and anti social behaviour that residents and visitors alike have been subject to.

As we progress into the Summer months I can only hope that the good behaviour of those using the Molescroft Pavilion and the surrounding park and equipment continues.  However the area shall remain a priority and patrols will be tasked to make checks of the area when available.

4. Offenders brought to justice

A male juvenile was summonsed to court for breach of an anti social behaviour order and will be attending the Beverley Youth Court.

A male adult was issued with a caution for a domestic related criminal damage offence.

A male adult was issued with a caution for the offence of theft from a shop.

A male adult was charged following the theft of a JCB from a housing site within Beverley.

3 males were issued with £80 penalty notices for theft from a shop.

5 persons were dealt with for offences relating to the possession of drugs around the Beverley area.

4 persons were dealt with for offences under the public order act relating to issues around Saturday Market, Beverley.

5. Meetings – Full Meeting Schedule Click Here

6. News and Appeals
(Includes updates on previous priorities if applicable)

Parking and Obstruction Offences – Near to Schools

The schools have again been looked at as a priority for the Beverley Neighbourhood Team and during the month of July each morning through the week at least one officer has been tasked to attend a school during the morning as children attend the schools and again in an afternoon as vehicles attend in order to collect their children.  This has shown a reduction in the number of parking offences when a presence is paid at the school however due to the number of schools in Beverley the staffing is not present to be able to be at every school each morning and afternoon.

There has been an increase in crime throughout the area, as you can see from the village reports below.  It is important that suspicious vehicles or persons are reported to the police  when seen, particularly if it is at night, when there is less traffic/people around and so, easier for us to find them.  Certain areas are more vulnerable, such as allotments, farm yards, isolated buildings and industrial estates.

Identify theft is another area to be careful off.  Please remove names and addresses from letters before putting in your blue bin.  Ideally, shred bank statements or other sensitive documents or burn them.  It is the same with using the internet, most sites are safe, and are well known names and well established, some sites may not be.

Remember your bank will never ask you for all your account details or your PIN, so if some does ask that, alarm bells should be ringing. Likewise, as a general rule, if it seems too good to be true, then it probably is.  You cannot win the Canadian lottery, if you have not entered it, nor is it likely that someone  from Africa wants to process a lot of money through your bank account as there relative has been deposed!  Sounds far fetched, but these requests happen, some even come through to the police email addresses, and people do ring back or make contact.

Any incidents or reports of shop theft which Beverley Neighbourhood Team are investigating where CCTV evidence is present and the offending persons cannot be identified the images will be considered for release to the media for the identification of those involved.  This ‘name and shame’ policy has been effective already with offenders identified for three incidents of theft and the message is simple, if you do not want to be seen in the media then do not commit theft within Beverley.

If there is anything you require information on or any enquiries feel free to contact myself Pc 2204 PEPPER at Beverley Police Station or via e mail at

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