Local MP, Graham Stuart, is asking constituents to nominate examples of manufacturing excellence from the constituency.
The ‘Made in Britain’ project was launched earlier this month by Vince Cable MP and will showcase the best of what’s Made in Britain. MPs have been asked to nominate a product made in their constituency which will take part in the on-line exhibition.
Graham said “I’m on the hunt for the best products made in Beverley and Holderness to show the ingenuity and innovation of local manufacturers. If you work for a manufacturer which makes a great product, or you just admire a product made locally, please tell me about it by emailing me at graham@grahamstuart.com or writing to me at 9 Cross St, Beverley.
“Manufacturing is vital to the British economy for the skilled jobs it creates and the inward investment it attracts.
“Made in Britain is an opportunity to showcase the innovation of the British Isles. I am happy to support the campaign, and I think it’s only right that residents get to have their say in the nomination process.”
Made in Britain is going to form a presentation to Parliament to celebrate the 160th anniversary of the Great Exhibition. This campaign has been organised by the Associate Parliamentary Manufacturing Group, an independent, cross-party group of Parliamentarians and the manufacturing community.
The results of the findings across the UK will be displayed in an interactive map online.
The deadline for nominations will be on the 26th August 2011.
PICTURE: The Wheelie Bin store, manaufactured by Beverley Business Captital Pallet Solutions