Lady Ballroom Dancers – Have You Dance Passion But No Partner?

One of’s avid male ballroom dancing viewers has lost his recent partner and his feet are tapping out an urgent message for her successor!!

Ray Grange’s dancing days have hit a non-dancing patch, of late – and could you be his new partner to waltz away dancing evenings?

And Cha Cha Cha, Samba, Quickstep, even Paso Dobli?

Tall enough? 5’6” and upwards.

Maybe up to silver standard, or slightly less, slim-ish, available for regular dancing; even medals?

And certainly fun combined with a dancing passion?

Call, e-mail, text him, and, who knows, ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ could be on your itinerary, Beverley-style!

Ray’s contact details:  Tel: (01482) 871826, Mobile: 07932 157311, and/or e:

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This article has 2 Comments

  1. Snap this offer up asap and make sure you’re the lucky lady. Ray is a gent and you will be treated with kindness and respect for sure! He is an amazing dancer and will make sure you have fun whilst tripping the light fantastic! Good luck Ray in your quest and I hope this brings you success as YOU DESERVE IT!

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