For many, the Local Government Elections may seem sometime ago now, a lot has happened since. For me however (Stuart Pearce), the time has flown by. Since I heard the results on May 6th I’ve been on a steep learning curve.
I am very thankful to for always offering the chance for myself and other councillors to reach out to the Beverley community.
The Town Council meets on the third Monday of the month at the Town Council offices on Well Lane, Beverley, and meetings are open to the public. Our remit includes reviewing planning applications in the town, ranging from single story extensions to large-scale developments; if you ever have any concerns regarding a planning application in the town, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
At our last meeting we were joined by some of Beverley’s detached youth workers – you might see them around the town in their blue jackets – as well as representatives from the police and East Riding of Yorkshire Council regarding the running of Beverley’s CCTV.
Beverley Town Council provides funding for the Town’s detached youth workers who provide first rate support, activities and advice for young people on issues such as employment, qualifications, alcohol awareness and sexual education.
The Mayor, Councillor Peter Astell received cross-party support when he committed the council to focusing on young people’s issues, and we are determined to help the town in any way we can. This is why Councillor Astell, the Deputy Mayor Margaret Pinder, myself and other councillors have, at the request of the detached youth workers volunteered to be “Young Person’s Champions”, and to give our time in support of local projects and local people.
Furthermore, we looking to restart the Youth Town Council to engage school and college pupils in local issues.
The other main issue of the meeting, the options for and cost of maintaining or upgrading Beverley’s CCTV cameras, sparked a heated discussion between councillors representing different parts of the town.
This is an issue which I personally feel quite concerned about and want to hear your views on; do we keep, upgrade and remove the service which costs the Town Council thousands to upkeep? What is the correct balance for the town? Beverley Town Council’s precept (which forms part of our Council Tax) is comparatively low for a town of its size, and CCTV is a large factor amongst our commitments.
Beverley Town Council does not just provide services, however, but work on projects to bring new opportunities to the town. You may have seen our petition to bring the Olympic Torch through Beverley next year, many local businesses been second to none supporting us – make sure you sign a copy!
In addition, Beverley Town Council has recently provided funding for the Beverley-based Humber Colts football club to purchase a steel container essential to store their equipment and continue as a club. We are always interested to receive applications for grants, if you are involved in a community project then get in touch.
Next month I will be able to tell you more about my work on upgrading our website and consultation capacities so you can tell us more our issues in the town. We also be setting up regular surgeries so you can tell us face-to-face.
As ever, if you have any questions please forward them to the Town Clerk at, or by writing to Beverley Town Council,12 Well Lane, Beverley, HU17 9BL.
CCTVs in the town centre have always been something that I wondered about. Are they a placebo or do they work? I do know that they were unmanned for some months at one time. Another question is what are they for? I ask this because an East Riding Councillor told me that when the Christmas Tree in The Market Cross was vandalised, some years ago, tape of the incident was requested and refused on the grounds that; they are not there to check petty vandalism. When a shop on Toll Gavel gets its windows kicked in – is that a crime or petty vandalism? I understand that the CCTVs that surround County Hall are operating 24/7.
Town Councillors were invited to Beverley Police Station to review how the CCTV works. I am by nature cautious of surveilance – my first question was what happens to the footage – however I was reasured that they are not just a placebo. Whilst they do “work” and are therefore a deterent, criminals abolutely should worry, the question is how effective they are, which relates to the mix of both the level of technology which Beverley Town Council funds and the capacity of the police (experiencing staffing/budget pressures of their own) to man and review the cameras; which I imagine varies with the needs of the time – e.g. Saturday nights are different to Monday mornings etc. Obviously I cannot comment with any authority on police issues.
The options facing Beverley Town Council include linking the CCTV to the monitoring station in Bridlington which would provide greater capacity to monitor in real time and also review footage.
This issue predates my time with the council but it is high on the agenda.
I hope that clears some things up.
Stuart Pearce
Beverley Town Council
All the CCTV cameras in Beverley operate 24/7, they are however not monitored 24/7, but if an incident occurs images can be downloaded as required to aid the Police.
Rob, nice Beaver
I would like to add the pictures are of an initiative pushed forward by The Humber Colts to promote football in their area, their way. Good luck with all you do.