George Lees Scores Twice Though Braves Beaten

With the rain belting down at Oak Road Myton Warriors and Beverley Braves served up an entertaining game of rugby league, with the Warriors squeezing home by 3 tries to 2.

Given the weather conditions the game was always going to be played down the middle of the park and the big Myton forwards were the difference between the two sides although the Beverley defence, missing several players on holiday, could not be faulted for their commitment.

Joseph Denis, Marcus Walker and Lewis Egan made a huge contribution in defence whilst Thomas Cohen, Matthew Hutchinson and man of the match Oliver Gresswell took the ball up the middle tirelessly.

There were limited scoring opportunities for either side in the first half despite good runs from Ryan Deane and Dylan English for the Braves and it was Myton who were one up at the break after a try out wide.

Myton scored again straight after the re-start to make it 2 nil and just when it seemed like the Beverley lads would be scoreless for the first time this season up popped George Lees to break through the defence and race clear to make it 2-1.

Will Sandford and William Kirkup worked hard with the ball in their hands and Tom Newton did well at full back, but it was Lees who scored again straight from the restart after Myton had scored their third to make the final score 3-2 to the hosts.

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