The Barnfathers Reunion in Beverley

The Barnfathers, along with those named Bairnsfather and Banfather (which are all variations of the same name) are an old English family that we trace back to the time of the Vikings in York.

It is believed, due to the results of the Viking DNA Study conducted by University College London in which we participated, that we are related to the Danes who settled in York.

The first person we find named Barnfather so far is a William Barnfather who lived in Malton in the 13th century.

Every 2 years, they hold a ‘family reunion’ in a place that has been of significance to the Barnfathers.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, there were Barnfathers in Hull and Beverley and they thought it appropriate that they choose Beverley as the location for our 6th gathering.

The reunion this year includes Barnfathers and Bairnsfathers who range in age from 9 to 98 and who have journeyed here from Canada, New Zealand, the United States and from all over England and Scotland.

They have had an exciting, busy 3 days and have been delighted with the venue, The Beverley Arms Hotel; the location for our Gala Dinner (Rowley Manor); and with the reception we have received from the people of Beverley.

They have truly felt that we have come ‘home.’

They have all agreed that Beverley is a place to which they will return.

Reported by Lee Cognetta Barnfatehr 2011, New York, USA

Picture: Barnfathers all gather togetehr in the Beverley Arms Hotel.

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This article has 1 Comment

  1. Glad to hear Beverley gave them a great welcome.
    I was unable to be there except for a short visit on Friday morning but my Barnfather family link is through my grandmother Jemima Barnfather, married William Sharpe in Hartlepool. My mother Amelia ‘ Millie’ Andrew came to work in Hessle and met my father.
    As children we often visited my Aunt & Uncle at Seaton Carew, Hartlepool but cannot recall meeting any of the Barnfather’s at that time.
    Nice to belong to them now and know where they came from and where they have gone to.

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