Beverley Event Furniture Hire @ Tribfest 2011

Beverley Event Furniture Hire are providing all the outdoor furniture at Tribfest 2011.

With thousands of visitors to the event taking place this weekend, the organizers were keen to work with the local furniture supplier again after the success of their furniture in the VIP tent at last years Tribfest.

Hundreds of their plastic tables and chairs can be found inside the new larger VIP tent – as well as providing seating in the VIP beer garden – perfect if the weather is too good to be inside!

The tables and chairs are available to hire to anyone and can be delivered right across the East Riding for garden parties/BBQ’s and events of any size, with no minimum order.

They stock a range of large round tables, as well as traditional rectangle tables, all for only £5 each per event – and the matching chairs are also available for only £1.50 each.

For more information on their furniture range visit Beverley Event Furniture Hire or call 01482 714488

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