Angels In Action @ Alton Towers

Last Friday saw the final event of the season for the Angels in Action this year when the team of roving, active European citizens headed south to Alton Towers theme park to celebrate the end of their European-funded project implemented this summer.

They successfully supported a number of events and festivals and promoted the Youth in Action programme across right across the county.

The project coach Sue Dudill said, ‘it’s been hard work, it’s been fantastic but it’s also been so worthwhile for everyone involved. CSV is delighted with the achievements of its volunteers and yet again proud to be held in such high regard by the community.

Chair of the Withernsea Carnival, Win Hough said, ‘Regarding Angels in Action, I thought they did a brilliant job. Rather than do something we suggested they came up with a good idea of their own and carried it through to completion’.

And Laura Mills, Administrator for Beverley Accoustic Roots Festival added, ‘we hope they can come back next year as we really value their support. In addition to the recycling assistance on site, The Angels helped promote the festival throughout the town by handing out leaflets to the public. This encouraged even more people to visit the site thus spreading the good festival word to more and more people.’

Participant, Sophie Abel commented that she had attended every day of each event and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. She is now preparing the certificates for the group of young participants which recognises their efforts by means of the Europe-wide celebrated Youthpass; this looks at 8 key competencies that the participants have been focussing on throughout.

The project has been approached by a significant number of organisations seeking help at future events and CSV is currently investigating the possibility of sustaining this valued service which it has  provided in 2011, The European Year of Volunteering thanks to the support of The British Council and The European Commission.

This summer happened and we made it count!

For further information about Youth in Action and the European Voluntary Service contact Sue Dudill on 01482 880818 or email

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This article has 1 Comment

  1. Thanks Paul for some exceptionally good coverage of our amazing project. We went out there to make a difference and we made this summer count! CSV is going strong and we aim to roll out some more top projects for people of all ages to get involved in, in the future. Well done on YOUR contribution to the community through this cracking website and magazine. I send your links all over the world to colleagues for sure and I hope you get the recognition you deserve one day.

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