Meet Your Councillors & MP

On Friday 9th September between 2:30 and 5:00 pm all three East Riding Ward Councillors for Minster and Woodmansey, Kerri Harold, David Elvidge & Dominic Peacock will be joined by Beverley and Holderness MP Graham Stuart on the Swinemoor Estate, they will be outside “Swinemoor Chat” on Samman Road.

Councillors David Elvidge, Keri Harold and Dominic Peacock are eager to give residents a chance to talk over issues affecting them and Graham Stuart is keen to be there and support them.

The Councillors see this as just one of the many ways residents can have a voice on issues and are hoping that this will prove popular with residents and can then be repeated.

For any further information please call Councillor Elvidge on 01482 870979 (Answer machine) or email:

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This article has 4 Comments

  1. Working, this is the first of many such events we are planning and late Friday afternoon is when many people finish early. That said when would you prefer to meet and where, we are always open to suggestions?

  2. P.S. Working, you found time in the working day to browse this website I’m sure you could find the time to pop and see us if you wished?

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