Beverley Minster Virger Releases CD

For three years Beverley Minster virger Neil Pickford has been penning a series of humorous articles on his life as someone ‘downstairs’ in one of the busiest and biggest parish churches in England.

Now, for the first time, you can hear the author as he reads a selection of the 150 articles in the series so far produced.

“Three Chairs – Neil Pickford reads the best Views from the Vestry”,  is a 60 minute CD containing a selection of articles: funny, provocative, entertaining, informative but always very personal. They have gained a considerable fan-base locally and Neil was asked by several people to record his words as well to give a more complete ‘experience’.

At long last he’s been able to find the time, during a two-week period of rest and recuperation as he slowly builds himself up for the effort of climbing the Minster’s various towers several times this August Bank Holiday. Don’t worry – all groans resulting from the intensive training involved have been carefully edited out.

The CD will be formally launched at the Minster during the Bank Holiday when all CDs sold will be signed by the author and also the mysterious Car Park Johnny.

The CDs will retail at £5 each, with profits going to Minster General Funds. It is available through the Minster shop (open Monday to Saturday) or directly from the author (post and packing £1 extra) – contact:

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