Looney Lifestylers Raise Over £1,200

First year the girls have participated in Lifestyle. Lifestyle team called Looney Lifestylers. Group of 4 girls from Beverley Minster Primary School all aged 10. Katie Elgey of Poplars Way, Laura Kelly of Cartwright Lane, Lucy Coghlan of Norwood and Hollie Davison of The Hollies.

Chose Yorkshire Cancer Research as all the girls knew someone close to them who had died or suffered from this disease and when they looked into various charities found out that 259 people die a week from cancer in Yorkshire.

They spent some of their school holidays car washing, dog walking, front door and garage door washing. They then did a street collection in Beverley town centre and raised over £400 and bag packing in Wilkinsons in Beverley town centre and raised over £500.

Altogether so far they have raised £1048.61 and have a final fundraiser doing a car boot.

The girls said;

“They enjoyed working as a team and learnt how to work together and that by giving up some of their time hopefully they have helped save lives”.

They also want to say a BIG thankyou to anyone who gave donations to their chosen charity, they kept saying that everybody was really kind and couldn’t believe how generous everybody was.

They were also touched by lots of the stories they were told from people in Beverley.

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