East Riding Council Links Up With Network Rail To Reduce Costs

East Riding of Yorkshire Council is continuing to reduce costs and save staff time and resources following a link up with Network Rail.

The rail company carries out an annual survey of its level crossings, with respect to the condition of road markings and signage, in the East Riding.

Assets on the approach to a crossing are the responsibility of the council and those within the bounds of the stop lines are the responsibility of Network Rail.

Previously, the council would carry out required work to its assets with a Network Rail flag man in attendance at each site, Network Rail would than deal with assets at its 15 sites separately.

The council would be charged for a flag man, with a single shift costing £1,000. Approximately three sites could be completed in each shift for a total of around £5,000, plus an additional one-off charge for administration of £2,000.

The council has now agreed that Network Rail provide a flag man for no charge and in return the council will carry out any repairs to road markings and signage that the company would normally be responsible for, resulting in an estimated saving of £5,500 per annum.

John Skidmore, head of streetscene services, said: “The council is delighted to be working in partnership with Network Rail to produce these efficiency savings which, although small, all add up.

“Due to the current economic climate, it is necessary for both public and commercial sector organisations to make best use of the budgets available to them.

“The council is committed to pursuing all avenues of innovation to produce savings in costs, staff time and resources.”

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