Off Shoots Present A Night Of Broadway Music In Latest Production

Off Shoots Musical Theatre Company will be presenting an evening “Off Broadway” on Saturday 26 November at St Nicholas Community Centre, Holmechurch Lane, Beverley. The Concert starts at 7.30 pm and tickets are £8 and £5 for children under 12. The first half will be songs and dance from shows and the second half will be a concert version The Sound of Music.

Off Shoots is a stage school for children from 7 until 20. “However, we do not close the doors on anyone over that age who would like to come along and have fun with musical theatre,” said Jane Walker, Leader of the group which formed in 2008.

The concert will raise funds to turn the old hall and stage at the centre into a working theatre to enable Off Shoots to have a permanent home but also for other theatrical societies to hire the venue for their productions.

“This will be a real community theatre project”, said Jane Walker, Leader of Off Shoots. “The hire fees will be very reasonable allowing all types of groups to use the hall as a theatre. We are very lucky in that one of the parents has very kindly offered to fit the stage out now before we get the funds for lighting and sound and this will be done before the concert on Friday.”

The Community Centre is part of St Nicholas Church and is home to a variety of organisations for their activities. Reverend Jonathan Evans told us “This is a fantastic project that Off Shoots are doing for us and will enable the Centre to be used much more widely used in the future.”

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