Miss Community Lends Her Support To Longcroft School Fashion Show

Miss Community UK Charity Hannah Hunter is keeping to her word about supporting good causes on a local level.

Hannah who won her title back in September 2011 but took time out from her busy schedule of shoots and studying to work with students at Longcroft School & Performing Arts College as they prepare from their Prom Fashion Show.

Hannah is not only providing support to the models on the night but has also been in to help give the girls valuable tips on how to look good as they strut their stuff on the cat walk.

Hannah told HU17.net: “I am really impressed by all of the girls who are taking part.”

“Some of them showed some nerves to begin with but all worked hard, had fun while doing it and they will certainly be more than fine on the evening.”

Kirsty Mills, of Beautiful Freaks Models, who is also lending her support to the event added: “It is very kind of Hannah to give up her time to help to pass on her expertise.”

“Her input has given the girls the confidence needed to shine on the catwalk.”

On the night each model will make three trips down the catwalk showing off the latest design in prom gowns that are available from The Fairy Godmothers in Beverley.

To add to the occasion De Lacy’s Spa will be pampering girls, giving them a makeover and hairstyles worthy of any prom queen.

The Prom Fashion Show takes place at Longcroft Upper School and is open to the public.

Admission is just £2.50 with fund raised on the night will go to support Friends of Longcroft School.

Anyone interested in tickets can purchase them from the school or from The Fairy Godmothers which is located on Ladygate.

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