Combating Youth Violence – Education … Inspiration … Action!

Beverley-based Wild Cherry Training & Education have just launched their brand new website on the lead up to their next transnational training event in the UK. This is being held on Friday 27thApril to the 3rd May for 24 participants from countries across Europe, the objectives of which are to:

• explore the risks and causes of exclusion on a transnational level in the context of the countries the participants all represent
• discuss the concept of violence and its consequences, the justification (if any) for using it and what constitutes ‘right’ and ‘wrong’
• investigate the necessity of justice and what constitutes ‘fair’ justice
• provide a platform for shared good practice through non-formal learning, with a focus on preventative methods to be used on a local level
• create a space which scaffolds a network for future cooperation on a European level
• raise awareness of the Youth in Action Programme and its processes with a particular focus on those with fewer opportunities and how international youth work can effectively help to reduce the instances of youth offending and protect others from its consequences

Sue Dudill, Director of Training explained, ‘those taking part will be led through an exciting programme of workshops and activities scaffolded by an international team of trainers who have been recruited to deliver this event. We have representatives from France, Italy, Bulgaria, Finland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Poland, Turkey, Austria, Estonia, Croatia and the UK of course.’

The event is taking place at the Chancellors Hotel in the Fallowfield area of Manchester with external visits arranged including that of a study visit to 42nd Street , an inspirational project in the city centre supporting young people on the margins of society with mental health issues.

The aim of this transnational event is to provide these youth workers with some brand new tools and methodologies with which to work and a wealth of new contacts for mutual cooperation in the future.

This project has been possible in the main, thanks to the generosity of the British Council and the European Commission’s Youth in Action Programme.

For further information about this event or to find out more about what Wild Cherry can offer you and your organisation, visit: www. or email

Inspire Empower Achieve
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and British Council. reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission and British Council cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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