De Lacy Spa and Phase Eight Hold Live Model Show

De Lacy Spa and Phase Eight teamed to give Beverley shoppers a surprise with live models in the shop window.

The models, who all applied through the De Lacy Spa Facebook page, had the latest hair styles done showcasing the team’s talents. It was a great success with a party feel and being able to see the clothes modelled on real people.

The girls were dressed by the talented Phase Eight staff showing off their new season range from an evening out to the full works for a wedding.

Kerris Lacy said;

“People are getting ready for the wedding season, or even Ladies Day at the races, so we wanted to work with another business to show the full package. Phase eight have some beautiful clothes which we thought would make the styles really stand out.”

“The live models made such a talking point as a few of the Beverley shoppers where quite surprised. It was a little bit of fun too! “

“We love working with other business in Beverley as it creates a real community which I think really makes us stand out from other shopping areas. With all this doom and gloom on the news it’s nice to have a little positivity in the air.”

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