Angelina Gerlitz is 18 years old and started an apprentice in the Town Council of the old hanseatic Town of Lemgo which is twinned with Beverley after she got her GCSEs.
In these three years of training to be a town clerk, she works in different departments. Three month every year Angelina goes to a college to learn the theoretic for example how to properly advise citizens.
To improve her English and to get to know how a Town Clerk works, she is doing a work experience in the Beverley Town Council for four weeks.
This internship is sponsored by the Leonardo da Vinci program of the European Union.
The Leonardo da Vinci programme links policy to practice in the field of vocational education and training (VET). Projects range from those giving individuals the chance to improve their competences, knowledge and skills through a period abroad, to Europe-wide co-operation between training organisations.
Angelina arrived in England at the airport in Leeds on the 11th of May and on her first weekend on Sunday; she was invited to the St. John of Beverley service in the Minster
On her first working day she took part at the Mayor Making on the 14th of May. Peter Astell was pleased to welcome her presented her with a Beverley Town shield.
During her work experience Angelina will help Helen Watson, Carol Oliver and Alison Page to organize the diamond jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II in Beverley. She will also be involved in the day to day services of the Town Council.
Leonardo da Vinci participants receive the ‘Europass’ certificate. To get this ‘Europass’ certificate Angelina has to compare the Town Council in Beverley with those in Lemgo. She should get to know for example which Tasks the Councillor, Town Clerk, Assistant Town Clerk and Macebearer has, and how a Mayor is elected.
All this information’s she will present in a PowerPoint presentation to advertise to other students at home in Germany.