Beverley Guildhall Celebrates Diamond Jubilee

As part of the town’s celebrations for the Queens Diamond Jubilee, the Beverley Guildhall is putting on a new display Royal Celebrations in Beverley.

The display looks back at the ways in which the town has celebrated coronations and jubilees in the past, from the first big celebration, which was the Golden Jubilee of King George III in 1809, to Queen Elizabeth’s Golden Jubilee 10 years ago.

In addition, the Guildhall will be open for an extra day for the jubilee on Saturday, 2 June from 10am-4pm. This not only provides an opportunity to see the new Jubilee display but also an extra chance to see the current exhibition, Pastures and Pasture Masters before it is taken down in July.

The Beverley Guildhall is located next to the main post office in Register Square and is open every Friday between 10am-4pm with free admission. Royal Celebrations in Beverley will be on display from Friday, 1 June until Friday, 6 July and Pastures and Pasture Masters will continue until Friday, 13 July.

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