School children and teaching staff from St Mary’s Primary School in Beverley, will be joined on Wednesday 20th June , by members of the local school community in a circular walk to highlight road safety near their school. Schools from all over the country have been invited to take part in the “World’s Biggest Walking Bus”.
Every pupil that takes part on the 20th June at 10am will receive a sticker and certificate provided by Brake the Road Safety Charity.
The walk will be led by the vicar of St. Mary’s church, Rev. Becky Lumley, who will also bring the whole school together with a prayer of worship and reflection at the end of the walk.
Lollipop the road safety rabbit will be on hand to make sure everyone leaves the school gates on time to take part in the Guinness World record event.
Mayor of Beverley Cllr Margaret Pinder was very happy to be invited to join the 400 pupils and staff from St. Mary’s. Also invited to join the Walking Bus were PCSO’s from Beverley Police Station , road safety official Margaret Millburn from County Hall, school governors and the school crossing patrol Mrs Andrew.
The Giant Walking Bus is part of a national road safety campaign organised by Brake, the charity for road traffic casualties.
Schools across the country will be walking from 10am with banners to try and make road users more aware of their speed near schools.
St Mary’s Primary School Junior Road Safety Officers are constantly involved in ways to highlight road safety issues and encourage pupils, staff and parents to be aware of road safety in their community.
The head teacher of St. Mary’s school, Mrs Lucy Jordan said
“With our school situated so close to the centre of Beverley, we are very aware of the need to do everything we can to help keep our children as safe as possible.”
“Our Junior Road Safety Officers, guided by Mrs Copley, have worked tirelessly to ensure that children throughout the school are aware of the potential dangers when travelling to and from school.”
“They encourage children to travel either on foot or by cycle or scooter whenever possible to reduce the amount of cars outside school. Through their hard work the we received the highest possible award this year for our commitment to safe and sustainable travel.”
“We are very proud of this but are determined to keep the profile of road safety high which is why we are taking part in the World’s Biggest Walking Bus event.”