East Riding Community Covenant Signed At Armed Forces Day

The East Riding Community Covenant was signed at the Armed Forces Day in Beverley on Sunday, 1 July 2012.

Signed by The Hon Susan Cunliffe-Lister, Lord Lieutenant and the Queen’s representative in the East Riding, together with more than 21 representatives from the armed forces, East Riding public authorities, the voluntary, community and business sectors.

The East Riding Community Covenant recognises the service community in our region and will strengthen ties, promote understanding and awareness among the public of issues affecting the armed forces.

Nationally, the Armed Forces Covenant was published by the Government in May 2011 and sets out the relationship between the nation, the state and the armed forces. It recognises that the whole nation has a moral obligation to members of the armed forces and their families, and it establishes how they should expect to be treated.

Organiser of Beverley Armed Forces Day, Cllr David Elvidge, Chairman SSAFA Forces Help East Yorkshire was one of the people who signed the document he said;

“Today’s event might have been more aptly named East Riding of Yorkshire Armed Forces Day as supporters in our community of the Armed Forces and senior Officers of all three services came to Beverley to sign the Community Covenant, committing the civil authorities and leaders of voluntary organisations to support serving members of the Forces and Veterans in various ways.”

“Today’s event was all about supporting each other, the various groups that came together to display and perform for each other did so freely and without fees for the biggest display of community spirit, I have ever seen and enjoyed being a small part of.”

“I think all I can say is a big thank you to everyone who took part, and those came to watch.”

“It would also be great if people could offer comments on what they enjoyed, what they thought worked and maybe didn’t work so well, and if they would like us to put on another event, say Sunday 7th July 2013.”

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  1. Greetings from Bulgaria and sorry I couldn’t make it David. Following it on-line and congratulations on such a fantastic event (again).

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