Beverley Westwood Probus Club: A Visit to a Pig Farm

A small party of members and their ladies, today, enjoyed a most interesting evening visit to Pockthorpe Hall, an intensive pig breeding unit, at Kilham, near Driffield.

Arrangements were made by member Richard Richardson and the party were shown around the impressive facilities by the farmer, David Morgan, who is Richard’s son-in-law and other members of the family.

The whole operation is carefully controlled and monitored by a sophisticated computer system, which records the progress of each animal, its rate of growth and how much feed it is consuming.

After 28 days from birth the newly weaned piglets are sent on to other nearby farms for fattening before slaughter and processing ready for display in Sainsburys’ supermarkets.

Members saw piglets being born in modern airy buildings and were told of the stringent measures necessary to prevent disease.

A most interesting visit and enjoyable evening of fellowship was rounded off by an excellent supper at the “Old Star Inn” Kilham.

Membership of Beverley Westwood Probus Club is open to retired business or professional men. We meet at the Beverley Arms hotel for lunch on the 1st Wednesday of every month, 12.00 for 12.30 pm and for coffee every 4th Wednesday, 10.15 am.

Interested? Contact our Secretary, on 01482 888955 or any member for further information.”

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