Beverley Shoppers Support Tesco Schools & Clubs Unwanted Vouchers Scheme

Tesco for Schools & Clubs is our long-running and very successful scheme that last year gave over 440,000 pieces of useful equipment worth £9.3m to schools and clubs around the country. This year we celebrated its 21st anniversary.

The scheme gives UK schools and clubs a variety of useful items in exchange for vouchers earned with shopping bought at Tesco. Customers could give their vouchers to their preferred choice; however to try to ensure that no vouchers were wasted, customers without a preference were able to donate their vouchers via a store collection box to one of three schools & clubs, chosen at random from all the local participants.

Pictured is Dave Ryley, Tesco Beverley’s Community Champion, presenting the vouchers to the three schools chosen this year: Beverley Grammar School, St Nicholas Primary School and Tree-tops Pre-school.

With these extra vouchers, Beverley Grammar were able to order digital cameras, Tree Tops ICT equipment and St Nicholas Primary a variety of equipment including rechargeable stopwatches, calculators, giant maths times tables balls and recordable story boards. All of which wouldn’t have been possible without the kind support of our customers.

Liz Pollard, Head Teacher at St Nicholas said ‘‘Thank you Tesco and thank you to everyone who collected the vouchers for us!’’

Dave Ryley said that he would like to thank all customers who have participated in this year’s scheme, whether they already had a preferred choice or else took the trouble to donate their vouchers to one of the three chosen schools.

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