Tesco Charity Book Stand Raises Over £5000 For Cancer Research UK

Tesco Beverley would like to thank all of our customers who have helped make our charity book stand such a fantastic success. The stand started in June 2011 and last year raised over £4,000 for Alzheimer’s Society.

From March 2012 to February 2013, all money raised is going to Cancer Research UK, Tesco’s charity of the year. We are delighted to say that since March, the stand has already raised over £5,000 for Cancer Research UK!

Dave Ryley, Tesco Beverley’s Community Champion, said:

“This incredible amount is due entirely to the generosity of our customers donating to and using the stand.”

“If you do have any old books, please leave them with our customer service desk and we’ll ensure that they help generate even more money for charity. Once again, thank you!”

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