SOS : Action Group Take To The Streets Of Beverley

Hundreds of people took to the streets in a protest organised by the Beverley Action Group to support a campaign to save the Cobble Setts in Saturday Market.

Despite the rain many still made the effort and armed with banners and led by piper made their feelings clear about any plans the
council may have about removing the Coble Setts from Saturday Market.

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This article has 1 Comment

  1. Beverley is a beautiful historic town. People come from all over Britain and abroad to visit this unique place. I moved from Stockport to Beverley in April.
    Stockport used to be a vibrant market town with the historic underbanks of black and white shops, pubs and quaint buildings. Thanks to the huge retail site called the Peel Centre the shops there are boarded up and the history of Stockport has been compromised by the rush to swamp it with retail sites and big business initiatives. I do not want to see this happen to Beverley. There is such a pride and feeling of community and public spiritedness here.
    Unfortunately I was too late for the demo.. Please keep me informed of events and progress regarding the very controversial issues dogging the town at the moment. I want to support beverley all I can.

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